
The Contrada del Drago has its "museum route" divided into multiple buildings that are a few steps from each other.

The visit begins from the "Oratorio" which is the Church of the Contrada, and then continues to the Sala delle Vittorie where all the banners won during the centuries are preserved and displayed. Let's have a look also at the Fontanina, whose water is used to baptize the new Dragaioli (members of the Contrada) once a year during the celebration of the Patron Saint.

Then, we head towards the Galleria dei Costumi, a unique museum dedicated to the costumes of past and present times.


The Church of the Contrada del Drago, formerly the Church of Saint Catherine, was built around 1620 and belonged to the convent of the Monache del Paradiso (Nuns of Paradise). The current steps reveal the height of the former ground level where an ancient field once was. The Poggio Malavolti (Malavolti Hill) was then lowered several times, with its current configuration dating back to 1903. The Church of Saint Catherine was transferred to the Contrada by Grand Ducal decree in 1787.

Fontanina della Contrada del Drago


This work is by the Tuscan sculptor Vico Consorti. Created in 1977, it bears this inscription: “The Contrada, with its love for the art of Vico Consorti, bestows upon future Dragaioli the memory of the great Priors [Presidents] Mario Calamati and Alberto Rossi.” It is located in Piazza Matteotti in front of the headquarters of the Contrada del Drago.

Sala delle Vittorie della Contrada del Drago

Victory Hall

The Sala delle Vittorie (Victory Hall) was built in 1950 using the cellars of the Oratory of Santa Caterina del Paradiso. It is the seat of the Contrada and it is located in Matteotti Square. It holds the Palii (silk banner) won by the Contrada from the 18th century until nowadays and treasured items such as historical flags and the zucchini (cap) worn by the jockeys during the race. It is a place of memory for the history of the Contrada and for the sweet memories of all the races that have been won. It is also used every year for the Cerimonia dello Spago, a ceremony in which the young people of the Contrada access adulthood. Among the most recent Drappeloni shine the works of internationally renowned artists such as Gerard Fromanger, exponent of the French Figuration Narrative, Domenico Paladino - from the Italian Transavantgarde movement - and Silvano Campeggi, known for his intense activity as poster designer for Hollywood films: the Palios won on 16 August in the years 1989, 1992 and 2001. As for the Drappellone of 1989, the modern representation of the Madonna stands out, imagined as a woman of our times intent on pushing the stroller with the Child; the one of 1992 instead presents a splendid material processing for the fine embroidery that distinguishes it. The Drappellone of 2001 depicts a tender and young Virgin Mary, painted in a delicate blue color that accentuates her childish innocence. Below her, in a fiery red aura, two horses battle each other, one black and the other white, in which the light barbero emerges victorious, as was the gray Zodiac that led the Contrada to victory. The Drappellone of 2 July 2018, painted by Emilio Giannelli, dragaiolo and well-known illustrator for Corriere della Sera, has a special place in the heart of the contradaioli. The work highlights Giannelli's burlesque style and is populated by a myriad of figures, through which the artist manages to stage a real sample of humanity. The victory was strongly desired by the Contrada, proud to keep the work of one of its most illustrious sons.

Galleria dei Costumi della Contrada del Drago

Costume Gallery

The Galleria dei Costumi (Costume Gallery) is the result of a renovation project strongly desired by the Contrada for the preservation of its historical heritage. Located in Via del Paradiso, in the premises of the former Società di Camporegio (Camporegio Society), the Gallery was inaugurated in 2021 and is the latest addition to the Contrada del Drago’s museum itinerary which already includes the Oratory and the Sala delle Vittorie (Victories Hall). It is both an exhibition venue and a place for the Contrada's activities and was created for the need to preserve historical costumes and for their use. As a place of identity it is also used for the assemblies and elections that regulate the life of the Contrada. The Galleria shows the Monture and other objects of great importance for the history and identity of the Contrada and the territory. The itinerary develops through the collection of ancient Monture, starting from the Nineteenth century, which have been used for the Passeggiata Storica. The first hall allows the guests to appreciate the evolution of historical costume over time, by viewing the various collections in chronological order. The second room is dedicated to the historic Monture used for the Festa Titolare, the annual celebration during which the Drago honours its Patron Saint Catherine of Siena. These costumes offer an overview of the evolution of the same, used by the contradaioli dressed as bearers and drummers to pay homage to the Consorelle (Sisters, the other Contrade). The room also houses a niche in which the Monture for the Passeggiata used before the current ones are displayed in a position of honour. The Galleria hosts as well the Monture currently used and is used to dress the Comparsa. It is also possible to see the room used by the bandieraie (flag makers), the contrada women who nowadays maintain the flags and sew new ones.

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