
In the "Sala delle Vittorie" the Contrada del Drago preserves its precious Drappelloni (Palio banners). For example the first Palio painted by a woman, Maria De Maria in 1921, the Drappellone of the "Palio della Pace" (1945) by Dino Rofi initially only sketched due to limited time and then entirely repainted because it was torn after the race, but also the two Drappelloni by Ezio Pollai and Plinio Tammaro.

Additionally, there are works made by contemporary famous artists, including Carlo Cerasoli, Gerard Fromanger, Domenico Paladino, Ruggero Savinio, Silvano Campeggi, Rosalba Parrini, Emma Sergeant and then the beautiful Drappellone painted by the senese and "Dragaiolo" Emilio Giannelli.

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