
Festa Titolare 2024
Here is the program for the Festa Titolare in honor of Saint Catherine of Siena of our Contrada, which will be celebrated starting from Saturday, May 18 with the “Giro in San Prospero” until Sunday, May 26 with the usual “Giro alle Autorità e Consorelle,” and then continuing the following week with the “Serate nel Paradiso dei Voltoni.” SATURDAY, MAY 18 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM Greeting tour to the Protectors residing in San Prospero. SUNDAY, MAY 19 1:00 PM Veterans' Lunch at the Società di Camporegio in San Domenico. THURSDAY, MAY 23 6:30 PM Presentation in the Gallery of Costumes of the commemorative volume for the 50th anniversary of the publication I Malavolti. FRIDAY, MAY 24 6:30 PM Presentation in the Hall of Victories of the restoration, arrangement, and enhancement works of the historic Headquarters and extraordinary opening of all the premises of the Contrada. SATURDAY, MAY 25 10:00 AM Honors to the deceased Contrada members at the city cemeteries. 4:00 PM Gathering of the young Dragaioli at the Voltoni and snack. 4:30 PM Cart race on Via di Camporegio. 5:00 PM Contradaiolo Baptism in Piazza Matteotti. 6:00 PM Sack race in Piazza Matteotti. 6:30 PM Spago Ceremony in the Hall of Victories. 7:45 PM Reception of the Signoria at the Pontani Arch. 8:15 PM Solemn Matins in the Oratory of the Contrada and presentation of the new flags. 9:00 PM Opening of food stands on Via del Paradiso. SUNDAY, MAY 26 8:20 AM Departure of the parade for the homage tour to Authorities and Sister Contradas. 11:00 AM Mass in memory of the deceased Dragaioli in the Oratory of the Contrada. 1:00 PM Parade Lunch at the Società di Camporegio in San Domenico. 2:30 PM Departure of the parade from the Società di Camporegio. 3:00 PM Offering of the Candle to Saint Catherine in the Basilica of San Domenico. 6:15 PM Gathering in Piazza Postierla. 7:00 PM Drawing of the Contradas and return to the Contrada. 8:30 PM Closing dinner at the Società di Camporegio in San Domenico. From Tuesday, May 28 to Saturday, June 1 “Serate nel Paradiso dei Voltoni”: dinners and various entertainments for members and their families.

Sanregio, Successful Edition: Gloria Paccagnini Wins
The Sanregio 2024 took place on May 1st, in a crowded venue, and it was a success. All thanks to the perfect organization by the Signori del Brio, who created a day that attracted many participants and entertained everyone. The beautiful voice of Gloria Paccagnini won with "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele. Second place went to Paolo Saracini and Gaia Baldi with "Sogna ragazzo sogna" by Roberto Vecchioni and Alfa. Third place went to the energetic "It's poty bitch" with the song "Baby, One More Time" by Britney Spears. There were sixteen groups and singers in the competition, and thanks go to all for their efforts. A special mention for Costanza Bandini who, with "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" by Madonna, managed to captivate... the absolute silence of the room followed by thunderous applause. The prize was created by Chiara Tambani, a work of art made from materials sourced from the storerooms of the economato and named "The Bones of Camporegio". The presenters Filippo Pratelli and Clara Fontanelli were impeccable. For Clara, a "Mariele Ventre" prize should have been established, including the canonization process! A charming conclusion to Sanregio was the awarding of the Fantasanregio, which involved all the artists in the competition in entertaining challenges. The creative Paolo Saracini tied with Gabriele Bruni, who shared the top spot on the podium of the contest. All of this was perfectly documented by the delightful extra-long reels of Arianna Biliorsi.

Valentina Vezzali Visits the Contrada del Drago Museum
Former Olympic fencing champion Valentina Vezzali visited the Contrada del Drago Museum on March 8th, invited by the president of the Panathlon Siena, Enrico Casini, who is a member of the Contrada del Drago. Accompanying her on the visit were the former Prior Claudio Rossi and the former Captain Fabio Miraldi.